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Poem Links

Recent Publications

Dream, Radar Poetry


Listless Sonnet with Weight Gain, Pleiades


Land Carnivore, Bear Review


Hair, Sixth Finch


5 Visual Erasures from The Iliad, The Indianapolis Review


5 Visual Erasures from The Iliad, DIAGRAM (coming soon)​


Poems from Love as Invasive Species

Prayer, The Offing
Birthday, The Journal
Pastoral, The Journal
To scribble down the bright magenta, begin again in the begot begun, Prelude
Landscape with Girl and Ibises, Diode
Vixen Lessons, Muzzle Magazine


They Will [Not] Speak OfThe Quotidian Bee

Cerberus and Persephone, Verse Daily

Slipping on Sidewalks as an Act of Divining, Barely South Review (nominated for a Pushcart Award)

The Universe Goes Dark, Barely South Review (nominated for a Pushcart Award)


Poems from Histories of the Future Perfect

Recent Publications


Kurt Cobain in the Vegas Afterlife, Come As You Are: An Anthology of 90s Pop Culture, Anomalous Press, 2017


When the Rivers Were Still Clean, the Old Men Said Take Her Down and Save Her, Eclectica Magazine Best Poetry, Eclectica Publishing Intl LLC, 2016


They Will [Not] Speak Of, Red Sky: Poetry on the Global Epidemic of Violence Against Women, Sable Books, 2016


Outgrowing: An Equation, The Absence of Something Specified: Variations on the Theme of Drought, Fern Rock Falls Press, Tiger’s Eye Press, Uttered Chaos, Noah’s Shoes Press, 2016


After Drinking Too Much Wine, Feathertale’s Big Book of Exquisitely Egregious Poetry and Diverse Versification and So Forth and Such, Feathertale, 2012


The Parting of the Sun and Moon, Inside the Mirror: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, Red Moon Press, 2005

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